IWK Sewerage Charges

IWK sewerage charges are determined by the gazetted tariff that corresponds to the specific type of premises.

Domestic premises are billed on a half yearly basis as per below:


For commercial premises, IWK applies monthly charges consisting of 2 components:

  • Basic Charge:This charge is calculated based on the premise’s Annual Value.

  • Excess Water Charge This charge is determined by the monthly average water consumption in excess of 101 meter cubic (m3).


The specific charges for commercial premises are as follows:



Sample Calculation – Commercial

Basic Charge (BC)

The monthly BC is RM9,600.00 per month which falls under Band 21 of IWK’s billing tariff


Annual Value (RM)

Basic Charge (RM)


More than 7,000,001



Excess Charge (EC)

The monthly Excess Charge is applicable to Commercial and chargeable if the monthly average water consumption is in excess of 101 meter cube (m3). The Excess Charge per m3 for Commercial is 30 sen (101-200m3), 45 sen (more than 200m3). The water consumption data to compute the charges is obtained from the State Water Operators.

The average water consumption is calculated as follows:

Period of billing

Volume of Usage (m³)

1/1/2023 - 28/2/2023


28/2/2023 - 30/4/2023


30/4/2023 - 30/6/2023


Total Water Consumption(m³)



The Excess Charges are subject to an annual revision based on the water consumption data for the previous year obtained from Water Operators.

Period of billing

Volume of Usage (m³)

Total number of days for the period from 1/1/2023 - 30/6/2023:

181 days

Average Water Cosumption:1,200 m³/181 days x 365 days/ 12 months

201.66 m³

Less: Exempted Volume of Water Consumption


Nett Chargeable Water Consumption


Commercial - Monthly Excess Charge: (100.00m³ x 30 sen per m³) + (0.66 m³ x 45 sen per m³)

RM 30.00 + RM0.30 = Total RM30.30


Total Charges: -

Basic Charge (RM)

Excess Charge (RM)

Monthly Charge (RM)






Government premises are billed on a monthly basis, and the charges consist of 2 components:

  • Basic Charge:This charge is calculated based on the premise’s Annual Value.

  • Excess Water Charge This charge is determined by the monthly average water consumption in excess of 101 meter cubic (m3).

The specific charges for commercial premises are as follows:


Sample Calculation – Government

Basic Charge (BC)

The monthly BC is based on the service level (connected/IST) per month

Service Level

Basic Charge (RM)




Excess Charge (EC)

The monthly Excess Charge is applicable to Government premises and chargeable if the monthly average water consumption is in excess of 101 meter cube (m3). The Excess Charge per m3 for Government is 45 sen (101-200m3), 95 sen (more than 200m3). The water consumption data to compute the charges is obtained from the State Water Operators.

The average water consumption is calculated as follows:

Period of billing

Volume of Usage (m³)

1/1/2022 - 28/2/2022


28/2/2022 - 30/4/2022


30/4/2022 - 30/6/2022


Total Water Consumption(m³)



The Excess Charges are subject to an annual revision based on the water consumption data for the previous year obtained from Water Operators.

Total number of days for the period from 1/1/2023 - 30/6/2023:

181 days

Average Water Cosumption:1,200 m³/181 days x 365 days/ 12 months

201.66 m³

Less: Exempted Volume of Water Consumption


Nett Chargeable Water Consumption


Government - Monthly Excess Charge: (100.00m³ x 45 sen per m³) + (0.66 m³ x 95 sen per m³)

RM 45.00 + RM0.63 = Total RM45.63


Total Charges:-

Basic Charge (RM)

Excess Charge (RM)

Monthly Charge (RM)






Industrial premises are billed on a monthly basis based on the following charges:

  • For premises with septic tank: RM2.00 per head

  • For premises with connected sewerage service: RM2.56 per head

However, there is a minimum charge of:

  • RM20.00 per month for premises with septic tank, based on a minimum headcount of 10 persons.

  • RM25.60 per month for premises with connected service, also based on a minimum headcount of 10 persons.

Since the billing is based on headcount, owners/occupiers of industrial premises must submit the "Declaration Form" with the current headcount to IWK every six months, reflecting the status as of 30 June and 31 December.

The charges are as per below: